How do I sign up ?
One-Off Payment
Simply choose the tutorial you wish to sign up to and pay via online bank deposit or over the phone with your credit card. Paypal payment option is available for overseas subscribers. Once payment is received, we'll send you the links to the videos
Do you have Instalment plans qual Monthly Payment Plan
Yes we have Afterplan it in 4 instalments. Please go to Afterpay - How it works ? for more information
What is Premium Member and the benefits of becoming a Premium Member?
You're automatically a Premium Member when you subscribe to GS1, 2, 3, 4 7 & 8
Premium Members enjoy FREE mini tutorials and heavily discounted prices for future subscriptions
How many times can I watch the videos ?
You can watch the videos for as many times as you like
How much time do I have to watch all the videos before they are deleted ?
The videos will remain in the FB private groups so you can go back at any time and re-watch them whenever you want.
Can I ask questions after watching the tutorial videos ?
Yes of course! All questions in relation to the tutorial videos will be answered.
Can I interact and discuss with other subscribers in the groups ?
Yes you can. The tutorial groups are highly interactive and May encourages groomers to interact and discuss issues that you may have in relation to the tutorial videos
Can share my work with May for feedback ?
Yes definitely! May is always happy to provide feedback with drawings on your grooming photos to help you improve